Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome to Zach's List

Bloom readers asked for a marketplace where they could exchange used disability equipment.

Barbara De Roo, mom to Zach, 2 (left), has launched one in the form of a website for Canadian families.

At Zach's List, you can buy, sell, donate or exchange children's equipment.

"We were looking for a place where we could find equipment for Zach that was cheaper and we couldn't find it," Barbara says.

"Disability equipment is very expensive and it's frustrating when many families are already short-cashed because they have to work less hours to take their kids to programs and therapies. We spoke to people who had good equipment stuck in their basement and no place to get rid of it."

Barbara set the site up with the help of a number of companies who donated services and expertise. "The response has been hugely positive."

We mentioned Zach's List in the December issue of BLOOM, but we got the URL wrong. Check it out at:!


here's one i used to work's such a great idea! good work, zach! ;)